EDB Postgres AI Cloud Service

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The EDB Postgres® AI Cloud Service, formerly known as BigAnimal, is an evolution of the service to offer a holistic platform which offers hybrid data estate management, observability, analytics, and AI capabilities.


EDB is currently updating the documentation to reflect the new EDB Postgres AI Cloud Service. Consult the BigAnimal documentation during the transition.


The EDB Postgres AI Cloud Service itself is a fully managed cloud service that provides a high-performance, scalable, and secure database platform for analytics, AI, and machine learning workloads. It also provides the platform for EDB Postgres AI Analytics and EDB Postgres AI Machine Learning services.

Cloud Service builds on the EDB Postgres Advanced Server and EDB Postgres Extended databases and it's designed to help organizations accelerate the development and deployment of AI and machine learning applications.

Databases in the EDB Postgres AI Cloud Service can run on EDB's own cloud accounts or managed by EDB on your own cloud on your behalf.

EDB Postgres AI Cloud Service, Console, and Estate

You get full visibility of the databases from the EDB Postgres AI Console, which is a web-based interface that provides a single pane of glass for managing your databases, monitoring performance, and accessing logs and metrics.

The Console view isn't limited to managed or hosted database deployments. You can also deploy the databases yourself in your own cloud or on-premises, but still have them visible in your EDB Postgres AI Console as part of your Estate using the Beacon Agent.

Hosted Databases

EDB Postgres AI Cloud Service is able to host a fully managed EDB Postgres database in the EDB cloud.

Managed Databases

EDB Postgres AI Cloud Service is able to manage an EDB Postgres database in your cloud.

Deployment Options

EDB Postgres AI Cloud Service offers a variety of deployment options for EDB Postgres databases for high availability and fault tolerance.

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