Support and logging details

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Technical support for the use of these products is provided by both EDB and Hashicorp. A support contract must be in place at both EDB and Hashicorp. You can open a support ticket with either company to start the process. If it's determined through the support ticket that resources from the other vendor are required, the customer should open a support ticket with that vendor through normal support channels. This approach allows both companies to work together to help you as needed.


The following logs are available.

EDB Postgres Advanced Server logs

Navigate to the Data directory in your chosen EDB Postgres Advanced Server instance. From there, you can navigate to log or current_logfiles. Or, you can navigate to the postgresql.conf file where you can customize logging options or enable edb_audit logs.

EDB Postgres Extended Server logs

Navigate to the Data directory in your chosen EDB Postgres Extended Server instance. From there, you can navigate to log, or you can navigate to the postgresql.conf file where you can customize logging options. An example of the full path to view EDB Postgres Extended Server logs is /var/lib/edb-pge/15/data/log.

Hashicorp Vault logs

You can use the journalctl function to call logs for Hashicorp Vault.

If you want to view only the Vault logs, you can do so by entering journalctl -ex -u vault at the command line.

If you want to view logs for a specific day and output those results to a .txt file, you can do so by entering journalctl -u vault -S today > vaultlog.txt at the command line. Adjust the date as needed and the text title.

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